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Downward-Facing Dog Pose – ADHO MUKHA SVANASANA

Downward-Facing Dog Pose – ADHO MUKHA SVANASANA

Camille Passantino

Downward-Facing Dog Pose


(ah-doh moo-ka svan-naah-suh-nuh)

Adho: Downward

Mukha: Facing 

Svana: Dog

Asana: Pose

One of the most widely recognized yoga postures. It opens the full back portion of the body, building strength and stability in the shoulders, stretches hamstrings, calves, arches and hands, improving circulation in the legs and calms the mind.

To perform Downward Facing Dog effectively:

See Also
Ashley DeSaro - Studio Owner

  • Begin from Table Top Pose, knees under hips, walk hands about a hands distance in front of shoulders. Fingers spread wide, wrist creases parallel to the front of the mat. Press down through the base of the fingers, fingertips,and outer edges of the palms.
  • Curl your toes under, engage lower belly, lift your knees off the mat, raise your hips up and back, lengthen through the spine, roll inner thighs back, lowering heels towards the mat (they may not touch).
  • Press the floor away from you as you draw your chest towards your thighs, slide shoulder blades down along the spine, broaden through collarbones. Activate muscles in the arms turning inner elbow crease in the direction of your thumbs.
  • Align ears with upper arms, relax the head and neck, soften the jaw.

This upside down V shape has many health benefits when done correctly. It’s more important to create length in the spine than to keep straight legs. So if need be, bend the knees slightly to prevent rounding of your back or hunching of the shoulders.

Because your heart is higher than your head, Downward Facing Dog is considered a mild inversion. Inversions can give relief from headaches, insomnia, fatigue and mild depression. This gentle flow of blood to the brain calms the nervous system, relieving stress and improves memory and concentration. With practice, this pose can be used not only as a transition or strengthening posture, but as a resting pose to connect with your breath as well. 

Enjoy Downward Facing dog for about 30 seconds or 5 deep breaths.

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