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Revenge Sex: The Secret Power Move After Divorce?

Revenge Sex: The Secret Power Move After Divorce?

Jane Kenney
What Led Me to Revenge Sex

Breakups are messy. But breakups via text? They hit differently. 

My name is Jane, and this is my story. After years in a long-term relationship with a man I thought I knew inside and out, everything came crashing down when he dumped me—via a cowardly text message, no less. To make matters worse, I soon found out that he had already started talking to someone else before we even called it quits. Betrayal. Anger. Confusion. I felt every emotion possible, and for the first time in a long time, I felt powerless.

As I sat alone, replaying every conversation, every lie, a single thought started creeping into my mind: revenge sex. Could it be the answer to taking back some of that power I had lost? At first, it seemed like the perfect way to reclaim my narrative—my own form of retaliation against the emotional mess he left behind. But could this be more than just a temporary fix? Could revenge sex be the secret power move after a breakup or divorce?

What Led Me to Revenge Sex?

After that breakup, I was in a tailspin. Hurt and anger boiled under the surface, and part of me craved closure—or at least something to numb the pain. Society often tells us that women should take the high road after a breakup. We’re expected to lick our wounds in private, eventually moving on gracefully. But grace was the last thing on my mind. I needed control.

That’s when the idea of revenge sex came into play. In fact, according to a study, 35 percent of people used sex as a way to get over their ex, and 25 percent of people reported using it as a method of revenge. 

And to me, revenge sex was just that: a way of reclaiming my body, my choices, my narrative. No one would dictate how I moved forward, especially not him. At that point, I wasn’t looking for a new relationship or a romantic connection—I was looking to feel alive again. In a twisted way, it felt like revenge sex would let me reassert control over my own life and decisions.

My Experience: Empowerment or Emotional Escape?

My Experience Empowerment or Emotional Escape

I won’t lie—at the moment, it felt damn good. There was a sense of freedom, of liberation that I hadn’t felt in years. The moment I decided to have revenge sex, it felt like the first time I was making a choice entirely for myself. In that fleeting instant, I had broken free from the emotional straitjacket of my past relationship.

But as the rush subsided, I started questioning whether I had truly taken back control, or if I was just using this as a temporary escape from the emotional wreckage left behind. Was I genuinely empowered, or was I still reacting to the hurt? The high of that brief moment of control was quickly followed by a wave of complicated emotions—anger, confusion, and a bit of shame. Was I healing, or was I just distracting myself?

The Power of Choice: Why It Felt Liberating

Despite the emotional rollercoaster that came with it, there was something undeniably powerful about revenge sex. For the first time in a long while, I was in the driver’s seat. This wasn’t about getting back at my ex (okay, maybe a little). It was about proving to myself that I still had agency over my own body and decisions. After years of feeling trapped in a relationship that had fizzled out, this was my way of saying, “I’m in control.”

Revenge sex allowed me to break free from the grip my ex had on my mind. For the first time, I felt that I wasn’t defined by the ending of our relationship, but by my choices moving forward. It wasn’t a replacement for healing, but it was the start of me recognizing my independence.

The Conflict: Societal Judgment and Personal Doubts

The Conflict Societal Judgment and Personal Doubts

Of course, societal judgment always finds a way in. Women are often shamed for expressing their sexuality, especially when it’s tied to something like revenge. I had to face my own internalized guilt, wondering if I had acted out of desperation rather than empowerment. The judgment I anticipated from others—whether real or imagined—mixed with my own self-doubt, leaving me to wonder: Did I rise above societal expectations, or did I play into them? The truth is, there was conflict. Part of me felt shame, but another part of me felt emboldened by the fact that I had made a choice purely for myself. The post-breakup journey is a mix of contradictions. You want to heal, but you also want to feel something now. For me, revenge sex was a short-term escape with a long-term effect—it kickstarted my journey toward self-acceptance, though not without bumps along the way.

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What I Learned: Revenge Sex Isn’t One-Size-Fits-All

What I Learned Revenge Sex Isn’t One-Size-Fits-All

Looking back, revenge sex didn’t solve everything, but it did give me a sense of control when I felt like I had none. It wasn’t the magic cure for my emotional pain, but it wasn’t entirely meaningless either. It was both empowering and confusing. It was closure, yet it also raised more questions about my healing process.

Revenge sex isn’t for everyone, and it’s certainly not a one-size-fits-all solution. Every woman’s journey post-breakup or divorce is unique. Some might find it empowering, while others could find it emotionally harmful. The key is knowing yourself—understanding if it’s truly what you want, or if it’s just another way to escape the pain. You have to be honest with yourself before diving in.

Conclusion: Reclaiming Power, My Way

In the end, the real power move wasn’t revenge sex itself—it was making a choice that aligned with what I needed at that moment. For me, it was about feeling in control after months of feeling powerless. It wasn’t perfect, and it wasn’t without emotional consequences, but it was my decision.

If you’re grappling with the idea of revenge sex after a breakup or divorce, remember this: It can be empowering, but it can also mess with your mental health if you’re not careful. If you’re doing it to prove something to yourself or someone else, tread lightly. But if you know what you want and you’re in it for the right reasons, it can be an incredibly liberating move.

Ultimately, reclaiming power after a breakup isn’t about revenge or getting even—it’s about making decisions that serve you, whether that’s through revenge sex or another path to healing. Take control of your narrative, make your own choices, and own them. Because, at the end of the day, you deserve to be the one writing your own story.

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