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How I caught my husband while Sexting

How I caught my husband while Sexting

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“Will you marry me?” The brown-eyed guy, with a pale golden complexion, bowed and asked.

“What? Are you serious?” She was visibly shocked.

“Marry me, please?” He pleaded.

(A heavy silence filled the air.)

What do I do to make your silence speak?” A strong, deep voice sought an answer.

She stood up and said. “I don’t want to hurt you, but I never saw you as my life partner. I can’t do this, I’m sorry.”

She vanished like the wind, leaving him crushed. He lit a cigarette, and closed his eyes, muttering, “Why… how could she?”

A tight-lipped smile appeared on his face, surrounded by a cloud of smoke. “I’ll make her say ‘yes’ one day.”

The saga of emotional blackmail:

My husband had an affair

That girl was ME. A dynamic, beautiful, curly-haired dream-chaser aiming to bring change to the world.

I was working as a competent engineer in a well-known organization when I met Jacob and we became friends.

It was a pleasant day when Jacob dropped the bomb by proposing to me.

I was chasing my goals and marriage was a no-go for me, especially with Jacob.

Our financial differences and life philosophies were a mismatched puzzle. But destiny plays its wild cards. Sometimes, they’re dealt against all odds.

One evening when I returned home, my phone buzzed insistently.

Buzz-buzz (Jacob is calling)

“Hello. You know my answer. Why keep calling?” I reluctantly picked up.

“Help me Genie. Help me.” Jacob’s scream jolted me.

“Jacob, what happened?” I shouted. It sounded like a collision.

“Hello, Jacob, you there?”

(Sound of screeching wheels)

The call hung up.

“Oh God, no. This can’t be real. Save him please.” I wept like a child.

The phone vibrated again. I answered immediately.

Hello, it’s Brian, Jacob’s friend. He tried to commit suicide and had an accident. It all happened because of you. If I knew he was on the edge, I would’ve stopped him.” He ended the call.

I turned pale with fear. I bowed my head and started praying.

The next day, I visited him in the hospital. Jacob was saved. I waited until he regained consciousness and gave him good news.

“Jacob, you know what? You don’t need to do anything to turn my NO into YES. Because this time it’s YES.” I uttered the words that Jacob’s ears desperately wanted to hear.

“Oh my god, unbelievable! You don’t know what you just did. I will… I will always love you and be there for you through all the ups and downs. Thank you, my love.”  He kissed my hand as joy engulfed him.

I disclosed my relationship with Jacob to my family. As expected, all my family members stood against my decision.

 “Why did you choose him? What about your dreams and career? He doesn’t earn enough to cover your expenses. How will you manage? He doesn’t belong to your social class, doesn’t own a house or a car, and hasn’t even graduated. Why do you want to make your life hell?” they questioned.

A long battle began with the knock on my door. I was making my way through all the hurdles. Each difficulty strengthened me for the next.

Eventually, I succeeded in convincing my family. I married Jacob and fulfilled my commitment.

I embraced him with all his flaws, and for a while, I lived happily. However, just a week after our wedding, an incident occurred.

“I will kill myself… My mom died of cancer. My dad was on the verge of marrying a filthy woman, and when I intervened, he abandoned me.” Jacob was screaming and threatening to stab himself with a knife.

Fear gripped me… I felt helpless.  

“Jacob, please, put the knife down. You could hurt yourself. I’ll call for help if necessary.” I disarmed him with trembling hands and threw the knife out of his reach.

“I understand what happened to you was horrible. But I’m here now. I won’t abandon you. Better days lie ahead, trust me,” I assured him while holding his hand tenderly.

That night was the start of a tough time. I stayed up, thinking about the struggles my husband was going through.

He’d been my friend for two years, but I didn’t notice his mental struggles.

I was lost in my thoughts and trying to figure out what destiny had in store for us.

Things got rough. Almost every day, he’d think about hurting himself, and I’d try to help with love and patience.

Even though I tried to get him professional help, he didn’t want it.

I saw how he acted normal in public but struggled behind closed doors.

See Also
What Led Me to Revenge Sex

As time passed, we had a baby. I worked hard to be independent and successful as an entrepreneur.

My husband cheated on me

Just after a few months, he began inflicting mental and physical torture on me again.

Whenever I resisted, he would inflict harm upon himself—beating, stabbing, or overdosing.

It was tough, and I felt like I was losing my mind, but I never thought about leaving him.

After some time, I noticed changes in Jacob. He started coming home late, disappearing for hours, not answering calls, and neglecting responsibilities, and his behavior took a drastic turn. Strangely, I never complained.

How I left my unfaithful spouse

I loved him deeply and wanted things to work out between us, but then I discovered something devastating that led me to make a tough decision.

One night, I awoke feeling unwell and realized he wasn’t in bed. I heard him whispering to someone. When I followed his faint whispers, I saw him in the bathroom. He was all naked, taking deep breaths. I caught him red-handed engaging in phone sex with a woman through a video call. It felt like someone drained the life out of me and left me like a living corpse.

Photo by Louis Galvez on Unsplash

After gathering proof and dealing with my emotions, I found out my husband cheated on me. All the drama and torment he put me through were just to hide his filthy habits.

He turned out to be a deceitful womanizer, and my attempt to change him from the inside left me broken. Eight years of standing up for him was my reward–alas!

My inner voice reminded me, “Be kind to yourself, Janie. Heal your pain before you can heal your child. Stop seeing yourself as a victim if you want to access your power.”

I decided to show up for my daughter, pushing away negative thoughts and packing my bags. I took one last look at my so-called home, wiped my daughter’s tears, and left.

Mama, where are we going? I want to talk to my dad. Are we leaving our home?  I don’t want to go from here.”

(A long silence)

For me, It was like a long dark tunnel. It took 6 months to recover from emotional trauma. But eventually, I saw the light at the end.

I spread my wings, chased my dreams, and learned a new skill amid severe mental stress.

And you know what?  Within a year, I became one of the most killer copywriters in America. 🙂

The lesson here is clear: when life fks you, fk it harder.

When life throws you curveballs, catch them, chew them, and spit them out with resilience.

If you too want to make the impossible possible,

Experience miracles, and show consistency to achieve your goals, despite all the darkness around you.

Just like I did.

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