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Working Mothers: Triumph Over Family Struggles

Working Mothers: Triumph Over Family Struggles

Roizy Director

In today’s fast-paced world, the roles of men and women have significantly changed, especially in the context of marriage and family life. However, despite these societal changes, many working mothers still face an unequal division of labor at home. To shed light on this issue, I interviewed two married women, who, despite having different routines, share strikingly similar experiences with household responsibilities. Their stories reveal the persistent challenges and frustrations faced by working mothers who strive to balance professional careers with domestic duties.

Jacob and Leora: A Tale of Two Cities

Leora’s Daily Routine and Challenges

Jacob and Leora both work demanding jobs from 9-5. They are typically home for the kids by the time they return from school. However, once Leora arrives home, she instantly jumps into her second role, also known as being a mother. While it is the most rewarding, wholehearted feeling, she is drained. After a demanding day at work, where her energy is consistently depleted, it feels as though most of her battery has been drained. By the time she gets home, there’s barely 5% of her energy left.

Despite not feeling energetically capable, she continues pushing through the rest of the night. She prepares a hearty dinner, along with some side dishes tailored to each child’s preference. She then moves on to bathtime, where her baby isn’t that poster child who enjoys playing with his rubber duckies. Soon thereafter, it’s bedtime, where she desperately craves to be a present mother and read all the lovely bedtime tales, while she is slowly drifting off into a slumber as well. It’s safe to say, she is weak, tired, and physically beaten.

The Impact on Intimacy and Relationship

Regardless of her several attempts to involve Jacob in the picture to lend her some help, he hasn’t shown up for her in the way that she needs. She feels emotionally needy for having needs, although that is not the case. Leora feels that when they come home, they are living two separate lives. She expressed to me with tears in her eyes that she feels she is a married woman raising her kids like a single mother. She feels alone, and she is utterly frustrated.

Ultimately, she begins to ignore her husband’s physical needs in return since she feels that he is not meeting her needs either. Without realizing, she is giving him an even exchange for her pain, although he is unaware. It is as though Leora is functioning as a single mother. Mentally and physically. She begins to lose interest in the bedroom because her needs are not being fulfilled. The lack of intimacy has created tension, animosity and heartache in the home.

Zack and Jessica: Newlywed or Newlydread?

Jessica’s Transition to Motherhood

Zack and Jessica, a delightful and fresh couple, have recently welcomed their first child into the world. Motherhood is a fresh experience for Jessica; her baby hasn’t even reached their first birthday yet, so you can imagine how new this all is. While Zack holds down a full-time job, Jessica made the decision to leave her previous employment to become a stay-at-home mother. Initially envisioning a thriving career, Jessica’s perspective shifted profoundly upon becoming a mother. She discovered that nurturing her child provided a newfound sense of purpose and fulfillment. However, the reality of this transition proved to be far from the idyllic image originally portrayed.

Balancing Gratitude and Resentment

In our conversation, Jessica shared her gratitude for Zack’s role as the primary ‘breadwinner’ of the household. However, she admitted to feeling a growing sense of resentment. Jessica observed that upon Zack’s return home from work, instead of immediately bonding with their baby, he sought relaxation on the couch. He would scroll mindlessly for a while to ‘wind down’. While understandable given his long workday, Jessica found herself increasingly frustrated. She perceived a lack of effort from Zack in sharing the responsibilities of caring for their child, leaving her to feel like she was navigating motherhood alone. As she recounted her experiences, audible sighs punctuated her suppressed emotions, underscoring the weight of her feelings. Her conflicting emotions—gratitude for Zach’s work and the desire for more support—revealed a critical need for self-care.

Jessica started drifting further apart from Zack since she was emotionally feeling disconnected from him, and physically exhausted from taking on 2 parental roles. Their intimacy started drowning in sorrow and resentment from a lack of clear communication. Without open and honest dialogue to address their issues and bridge the growing divide, their relationship found itself adrift in a sea of unresolved emotions, struggling to stay afloat amidst the turmoil.

From Chaos to Clarity: Insights and Tips

Reflecting on these interviews, I realized the importance of clear and direct communication in relationships. Jessica’s reluctance to articulate her specific needs mirrored Leora’s experience. Both women assumed their husbands could intuitively understand their unspoken desires—a misconception that only fueled their frustration. By suppressing their emotions, both women unwittingly prolonged their distress. This insight underscored the crucial role of open dialogue in fostering understanding and harmony within relationships.

The Role of Communication in Relationships

I learned from interviewing these women that healthy communication is the cornerstone of any lasting marriage or relationship. You are allowed to have needs, and you are allowed to express them. It’s as though you have a tongue but aren’t using it—what’s the point of that? Allow me to break down some essential tips for healthy communication and how to express your needs effectively:

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Man making frequent eye contact with woman

Get Clear on Your Needs

Take your time to identify what you need from your partner and how both of you will benefit from meeting those needs. For example, if you feel that you need some time for yourself when your husband gets home for about 30 minutes, communicate that to him. Express it gently, so he can hear you. Let him know that this half-hour is crucial for your mental health, your role as a mother, and maintaining a happy, harmonious home. It helps to make a clear list of WHAT, WHY, and WHEN. WHAT is the need, the 30 minutes. WHY is because you are feeling burnt out, and the benefit is that you can create a harmonious home.

Reveal Your Experience

Let your partner know what it’s like for you to share your needs with him. For example, you can say, “I noticed it’s really hard for me to discuss the need for self-care with you. However, it’s really important for me because (list all the reasons from step 1).”

Check In for Impact

Make an effort to understand how your partner feels about your needs, and assure them that their experience and feelings matter too. You can ask, “How does it feel for you to hear this?”

By following these steps, we can create harmony in our homes without having to walk on eggshells. Before writing down these suggestions, I shared them with Leora and Jessica. They both expressed how impactful these strategies have been. They feel a significant difference in their home, and both realized that they weren’t expressing themselves clearly to their husbands before our interview. Now, they are experiencing a sense of peace, calmness, and harmony in their home.

Remember, expressing your needs doesn’t make you needy.

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