In a World of 8 Billion, Why Do We Feel So Alone?
In a world with over 8 Billion people, it’s very easy to feel all alone. Let’s face it, scrolling through social media, sitting behind video games and the normalcy of isolation has created even more of a distance. At times, this great big world carries even bigger burdens and we can feel small and unseen. Let me take you on one woman’s courageous quest to change that.
Ashley DeSaro’s Journey to Connection
Ashley DeSaro, a Toms River New Jersey native, has made it her life’s mission to share in the ever growing expansion of community, connection and safe places to express your true self. It started several years ago with her own exploration to find a way to break out of her shell, become more confident and to be understood.

The Search for Something More
Ashley was in search of something to fulfill her life. She always felt this calling within her and wasn’t quite sure of what it was. One morning several years ago, Ashley woke up with a random idea to try yoga for the first time. A few hours later she saw an ad for a new Yoga studio that opened up in her area. She immediately took this as a sign that she should go check it out.

Apprehensive, shy and very nervous, she arrived hoping that she wasn’t the only beginner in class. Nevertheless, something happened that day that would change the course of her life. It started as a physical practice but on an energetic level everything shifted. Going to yoga thereafter became a weekly routine. She felt as if she was a part of something much bigger than the poses on her mat and she formed a connection with the people around her who felt the same way too. She noticed she was speaking with more confidence and felt safe to break free from the confines of feeling alone and different.
How can yoga do this? Her curiosity led her to take Yoga Teacher Training and eventually to owning her own studio. Her recognition of how much community matters was her foundational approach in creating this space for the people. With the studio’s mentality that “Yoga is for everyone. No matter what age, shape, gender or skill level, we are all connected and anyone is welcome into the space to be able to practice,” Ashley grew Pure Toms River Yoga’s outstanding reputation for excellence and commitment to serving its community making yoga and wellness accessible to everyone. Keeping membership costs low and focusing on helping one another grow.

Keeping the Community Together During COVID-19
When Covid hit, and the world became isolated, she saw how the community needed yoga even more than before. She found ways to make it work in any way she can. Through live streams and social distancing, she continued to offer opportunities to bring people together. The Pure community witnessed her call to action and her commitment to keep people connected and not to feel alone.
Once the doors reopened she rejoiced in the sounds of voices and laughter that filled her studio. Ashley expressed “As humans we can’t just simply disconnect from society or each other. When you practice yoga at home all alone it’s great, but when you get in a room with all this beautiful energy, it lifts your spirit. You walk into the studio, everyone is talking, you come to your mat, the community comes together, the energy shifts and you feel at home.” Being surrounded by people that encourage each other, encouraged her even more. It was their belief in her that helped her grow into her calling. As she was meeting more people and hearing about their journey, she realized we all have a story, we all have something to share and are finding our own way on our path in life.
Supporting Local Businesses and Charities
Ashley loves getting to know the people, their passions and what’s near and dear to their hearts. She began to build the Pure Boutique by welcoming anyone into selling products in the studio. Filling up her space with jewelry, clothes, art and many various items from her students and local vendors so their businesses can thrive as well. She creates events to support those who need help or aid. Her passion to give back to the community drives her to work with local and national charities. Supporting one of her students, she teamed up with and did training through LOVE YOUR BRAIN, a foundation to support the brain injury community. Pure Toms River Yoga raises money every month for charities such as Dottie’s House, Breast Cancer Awareness, Veterans, Diabetes and for students in need.
“As an individual, we show up for ourselves, but as a community, we show up for each other,” explains Ashley. “I can only give so much, but when the community comes together, we can give so much more. The people I meet guide me in a direction that I might even think about.”
Mental Health and Suicide Prevention
This concept inspired Ashley to name this years Suicide Prevention Awareness event “Together We Shine.” Recognizing that we are not alone. Together we can find our way. We shine brighter together. All the donations and proceeds for this event and for the numerous fundraisers, classes, and services that are being offered during the month of September will be going to TWLOHA. To Write Love On Her Arms is a nonprofit movement dedicated to presenting hope and finding help for people struggling with depression, addiction, self injury, and suicide. Since Pure began contributing to TWLOHA five years ago, more and more people come forward in support because they too have been affected in some way by suicide or mental illness. The “Together WE Shine” donation based event on September 13 at The East Dover Banquet Hall in Toms River New Jersey, will provide an information center, yoga, sound healing, breathwork for anxiety, vendors to shop, gift raffles, wellness center, Reiki, positional therapy, kids corner and an inspirational memory “Wall of Love.” All of these things became possible through the unwavering dedication of a yoga studio owner and the generous and caring community that nurtures each other to grow.
A Community That Shines Together
What started as one woman’s journey of self discovery sparked a mission to lead a community that believes it is everyone’s purpose to be seen and heard. Together we are not alone. As Ashley shares, “It’s a gracious way of evolving. Giving and receiving. The community allows me to grow, find my roots, what is meaningful to me and move forward from there. Yoga called me to service. Yoga has changed my life.”

Resources and How to Get Involved
If you or someone you know is struggling with depression, addiction, or self-injury, visit To learn more about Pure Toms River Yoga or to contribute to their fundraisers, visit
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