What the pose means?
Sukha: Easy
Asana: Seat/Pose
What Is the Sukhasana Pose?
Sukhasana helps open the hips and outer thighs. It encourages grounding, calms the mind and is often used during meditation and at the beginning/end of a yoga practice.

How to Perform a Sukhasana Pose
- Sit on your mat with legs extended forward and about hips distance apart.
- Cross your shines loosely and tuck your feet under your knees or stack one shin in front of the other.
- Ankles flexed with outer edges of feet on the mat, toes relaxed .
- Find neutral pelvic position and lengthen through the spine .
- Release hands on knees or thighs, spread across collarbones .
- Reach crown of head toward ceiling and Relax facial muscles .
- Enjoy this Easy Seat pose, maybe close off the eyes and concentrate on the breath for at least 1 minute.
Embrace the serenity of Sukhasana, the Easy Seat pose, as you ground yourself and quiet the mind. Whether you’re beginning or ending your yoga practice, let Sukhasana guide you into a state of calm and presence.

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