Always been curious about Yoga but something has been holding you back?? Let me guess… you think you’re not flexible enough? As a certified yoga instructor, that has been the most common reason that holds people back from stepping on the mat. I am here to tell you that that is merely a myth.
Overcoming Preconceptions: Starting Your Yoga Journey
Your body doesn’t need to be flexible to start a yoga practice. Several years ago I, too, took my very first yoga class. I had the same worries, and apprehensions, but as my yoga instructor explained to me, the only way to get past them was to go through them. And contrary to how some Instagram models make it look, no one comes out of the womb doing Downward Facing Dog. It takes practice, dedication but first and foremost, it takes showing up. There are several different types of classes to choose from and modifications are always available.
The Rising Popularity and Health Benefits of Yoga
In the past 5 years alone, the rise in yoga practitioners has increased by 50% in the United States. There are tremendous benefits from this age-old practice that originated in India over 5,000 years ago. Not only boosting your flexibility, studies have also found that it can improve your cardiovascular health, fitness, balance, overall quality of life and reduce stress, anxiety and pain.

As Rolf Gates reminds us in his book, Meditations from the Mat, “When we place our attention on something it grows , when we take our attention away from something it goes away…tie your attention to the solution and not the problem. Shift your focus.”
Flexibility starts in the mind. Being open to the experience, setting aside expectations and finding comfort in beginning—right where you are—will allow your body to find its own flow. You will truly amaze yourself when you let in what yoga has to offer and let go of what you think you need to be. Yoga meets you where you are at.
This famous quote by Indra Devi perfectly sums it up: “Yoga is not about touching your toes, it’s about what you learn on the way down.”
So grab your mat and begin!