Bharmanasana, or Table Top Pose, derived from “Bharman” meaning table or board, and “Asana” meaning pose, is a fundamental yoga posture that elongates the spine, fortifies wrists, and serves as a pivotal transition in yoga sequences.

To perform Table Top Pose effectively:
- Begin by positioning yourself on the floor, with hands and knees forming a sturdy foundation.
- Ensure wrists are directly beneath shoulders, fingers pointing forward, and palms firmly grounded.
- Align knees directly under hips, with shins and feet extending back in line with knees.
- Maintain a neutral spine, creating a straight line from the crown of your head to your tailbone.
- Engage your core by drawing your navel towards the spine, stabilizing your entire body.
Table Top Pose serves as a gateway to various yoga movements, preparing the body for stretches in the arms, legs, spine, neck, hands, feet, and hips, while promoting a neutral spine and activating the core.
Throughout the pose, allow your breath to flow naturally through the nose, fostering a sense of ease and relaxation without exertion.
Incorporate Bharmanasana into your yoga practice to enhance flexibility, strength, and mindful movement. Enjoy the benefits as you progress in your journey toward holistic well-being. Interested in learning yoga? Reach out.