Achieve Strength, Balance, and Grounded Steadiness with the Classic Tree Pose
Vrksasana (vrik-SHAH-sah-nah)
vrksa = tree
Asana = Pose
Tree Pose is a classic standing posture. Establishing balance and focus, this pose helps you feel steady, centered and grounded. With one foot ‘rooted’ down on the ground, your body is extended tall like a tree and arms can reach upward like branches. Bringing the sole of your opposite foot to your ankle, shin or inner thigh of the standing leg, challenges your balance resembling a tree that sways with the wind. This iconic pose of modern yoga can be seen in yoga magazines, on social media and featured as a common symbol of yoga.

How to do VRKSASANA:
1. Lets begin in a standing posture, feet under hips.
2. Hip bones forward, lift in your lower belly, draw your shoulder blades down your back.
3. Find a Drishti: gaze at a point at eye level to keep your balance.
4. Hands on hips, press standing foot firmly down as you shift your weight onto that leg. Bend and lift the opposite knee, rotating it outward from the hip. Place sole of lifted foot on inner ankle, shin or thigh of standing leg, avoid making contact with the knee (use hand if needed to assist) .
5. Keep core muscles engaged, firm your standing hip and glute, lengthen your spine, crown of the head towards ceiling.
6. Once grounded and steady, you can place palms of hands together in front of your heart, Anjali Mudra (prayer hands), or extend arms up like branches.
Breath, balance and maybe smile. Finding a little playfulness in this posture.

Want a little more of a challenge? Try taking your gaze up towards the ceiling or even closing your eyes.
Rooting to rise, Tree pose lifts and lengthens the whole body. It is known to strengthen ankles, legs and spine, opens the hips and can improve concentration and confidence.
Enjoy this pose for a several breaths and then repeat on the other side