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15 Fall Home Preparation Tips: Get Your House Ready for Colder Months

15 Fall Home Preparation Tips: Get Your House Ready for Colder Months

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Fall Home Preparation Tips

It is that time of the year when we are all set to transition from warmer months to a cooler period, starting with the fall season. Seasons changing means more than a change in the color of foliage around us and our choice of clothing. Did you know that this is also the time to inspect your homes and get certain aspects in order. You may have read several articles on giving your homes a spring deep-clean or makeover, the same holds good during the fall season as well. Here are a few aspects to consider to prepare your homes for the fall. This list of pointers will ensure your home is functioning at its best through the fall and winter seasons, keep your savings high, and ensure you have a secure and cozy space to spend the coming colder days!

1. Check on the heating system, boiler or furnace

Photo Credit: Photo by BOOM 💥: 

There are some appliances and systems we need in perfect working condition during the colder days. The fall season is the ideal time to take a look at your heating system, boiler and or furnace and ensure they are working well. Get any repairs done by professionals now.

2. Clean the drains/gutters

Don’t let fall season pass you by without taking the time to clear out the drain sections and gutters in your house as the pile-up of debris and leaves in such sections can pose problems later on during the winter. They can clog up your drains and cause water retention causing damage to your walls, keep those passages clear and it’s best to do that now.

3. Check your external facing windows and doors

Photo Credit: Photo by Erik Mclean: 

Ensure your heating system stays efficient and keep your energy savings high by checking your external-facing windows and doors. If there are any cracks or gaps in the frames, you can caulk them to ensure no leakage of your internal heating. You can also purchase draft excluders for gaps like those at the bottom of the door and this can be done for internal doors as well.

4. Change air filters/clean air filters

To prepare your home for fall check on your air filters and either clean them or change them if needed. This will ensure better air quality indoors, especially useful when you are stuck indoors during the winter season.

5. Insulate your pipes and hot water tank

It is part of the fall preparations to ensure you don’t lose out on energy by leaving your home uninsulated. For starters ensure to insulate your hot water tank with an insulation jacket and pipes with foam insulation. You can also consider insulating your roof if you have the budget, as the maximum heat is lost through the roof.

6. Check roof/water seepage damage

It is the ideal time to inspect the roof and loft and ensure no signs of water seepage and damage. It’s better to spot problem areas now and get them fixed before the winter season when it is likely to get far worse.

7. Test carbon monoxide and smoke detectors

Don’t forget to inspect and ensure the carbon monoxide and smoke detectors are working as they should. As the heating systems will be working harder for the rest of the year, it is a good time to ensure safety by making sure these detectors are working fine. 

8. Store away summer stuff

Photo Credit: Photo by Andrea Piacquadio: 

Several summer items be they decor or functional can now be stored away to create space for more relevant items in preparation for fall and colder months. Properly storing away some of these products like outdoor furniture can also ensure their longevity and ensure they are in good working condition for the following summer.

9. Create a cozy living room

Photo Credit: Photo by Martin Lang: 

Autumn is a great time to revamp the decor and color scheme indoors, especially in spaces such as the living room. Bring in warmer colors in your soft furnishing, choose fabrics that will keep you warmer. Opt for warmer lighting to create a cozier ambience. 

9. Ensure outdoor lighting

Photo Credit: Photo by AG69:

One of the ways to prepare the house for fall is to create adequate lighting outside the house in sections such as the walkway, balcony, garden and porch. With shorter days, it makes sense to create a secure and well-lit outdoor space this fall.

10. Don’t forget the garden 

The fall season is also an important period to take a good look at your garden no matter how vast or how small. Some plants will need to be brought indoors. Consider removing perennials that have died and tackle any infestation before the onset of winter or you will risk losing more plants by the time colder months end. 

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Child happily reading a book under a tree

11. Wrap up the DIYS

The onset of fall is the perfect time to take stock of any pending DIY jobs around the house and get them done in order of priority. Fill any cracks that may get worse during the winter. Complete any project that you need to do in the outdoor space and won’t be able to once the fall season is over.

12. Paint or touch up needed areas

Photo by Blue Bird:

In preparing the house for the fall season ensure to give a fresh coat of paint to any part of the home that may soon be buried under snow during the winter. This can protect the home from water damage.

13. Invest in a humidifier

Starting with the fall season the air can get dry and this affects our health indoors. To create a healthier environment inside the house a humidifier will be a great investment. It can also help with your indoor plants!

14. Time to clean out the carpets

This may be the last chance to get those carpets and rugs outdoor for a good clean and airing before the winter season. Carpets can house foul smells and dirt so if you are unable to clean them yourself, don’t hesitate to get professional help.

15. General deep clean of the house

Photo Credit: Photo by Karolina Kaboompics:

Lastly, prepare your house for the fall season by giving it a general deep clean. Get rid of the dust and throw or donate items you no longer use. Since the fall heralds that time of the year when more time may be spent indoors, ensure your home feels clean, airy and light.

Hope, these pointers help you prepare your home for the fall!

Essential Fall Home Preparation Tips

Check the Heating System, Boiler, or Furnace

Clean Drains and Gutters

Insulate Pipes and Hot Water Tank
Wrap Up DIY Projects
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