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Kylie Jenner’s Face Fillers Gone Wrong: Fillers, A Trend OR Trouble?

Kylie Jenner’s Face Fillers Gone Wrong: Fillers, A Trend OR Trouble?

Saroash Saghir Rao

Hey lovely souls, let’s explore the world of beauty today!

You might wonder, where does beauty really reside?

Does it live in the faces we see all over social media and glossy magazines with pouty lips, sculpted cheekbones, and sharp noses from fillers? 

Is that the true home of beauty? 

Not in my opinion.

Let me keep it real with you…

I found beauty in the sparkling blue eyes of the sporty American women sunbathing on Miami Beach…

And in the intense eyes, slender bodies, and dark hair of Turkish women. Oh gosh, what an utter grace they carry!

I discovered beauty in the charismatic Brazilian women – their curvy figures and soft facial features…

And in the ivory complexion of Indian women. Their big, deep eyes tell the mystery of their personalities. What an exotic catch, eh?

For the world, beauty seems to be all about that ‘booty-full’ look. Quite amusing, isn’t it? 😀

But for me, beauty resides in the laughter lines around your eyes when you smile and in the joy that glows on your face when you speak of your passions. 

It’s in those special quirks and imperfections that make you wonderfully YOU.

Beauty means no plastic faces. It lies in authenticity, in your natural skin tone, flaws, and all.

That’s why it breaks my heart to see so many women chasing an elusive idea of beauty through fillers and surgeries.

Do these procedures make them attractive, you may ask? 

Not in my eyes.

It’s like they’re trying to erase the very things that make them unique, and special.

What’s even sadder is how they all end up looking alike after the procedure. Those frozen expressions and puffed-up features are a far cry from the natural beauty they all possess.

Still curious about Kylie? Keep scrolling!

So, what are face fillers?

Face and lip fillers, also known as dermal fillers, are substances injected into specific areas of the face to fill lines, wrinkles, and add volume, particularly in the lips or cheeks. 

But they’re not forever! These fillers typically last anywhere from 6 to 18 months before naturally breaking down in your body.

Now, what’s in these fillers? Well, in the US, most of them contain a natural ingredient called hyaluronic acid.

But, do fillers ruin your face?

Jeez, ‘ruin’ might be a bit harsh, but it’s surprising how many women turn to fillers to avoid graceful aging without realizing that fillers can end up making them look unnatural and older than they really are.

But why, oh lady, do you keep going? Why pursue this unachievable standard, even at the cost of your authenticity?

Maybe it’s because you’re constantly exposed to pictures of influencers and models with beautiful skin and bodies. 

Or it’s because you’re afraid of growing old, of losing that youthful glow.

You know, there are celebrities and public figures who undergo repeated procedures, either because they’re never satisfied or to correct earlier ones. 

Let’s talk about Kylie Jenner for a moment. 

At only 26, she’s caught some heat for looking older than her years, all because of too many fillers. People have been saying it’s like those injections sucked the youth right out of her.

Face fillers before and after:

Face fillers are destructive and expensive:

Fillers cost a pretty penny. I mean, why spend so much just to change your natural beauty? Well, it’s your choice but I’m looking out for you, trust me!

For your information, face fillers are like a shortcut to youthful appearance and offer instant results by restoring lost volume and reducing wrinkles. But they can also cause more harm than good.

When fillers are injected, they can block normal fluid drainage from the skin, and cause puffiness. If fillers are not dissolved properly, they can lead to distortion and an unnatural appearance.

Just imagine your skin as a sponge. When you put filler in, it’s like blocking the sponge’s ability to soak up water. 

So, instead of looking refreshed, you end up looking puffier than you intended, like a melted candle. 

As skin gets older, it loses its natural bounce and firmness. Injecting too much filler doesn’t help, it actually pulls the skin down, making it sag even more. 

It’s like overfilling a balloon; the skin stretches out and loses its natural quality. And if you keep repeating the procedure to improve, it gets worse.

So, what’s the alternative?

Eating your greens, staying hydrated, and getting some exercise are great ways to keep your skin healthy and youthful from the inside out.

When you naturally achieve beautiful skin, you’ll feel so proud of how you look. And trust me, that feeling is priceless.

Moreover, for a natural approach, consider trying face yoga. Simple yoga exercises can make you look younger than your age and enhance your facial beauty.

If you’re a yoga enthusiast, give it a try, and don’t forget to check out another article about yoga. It’s a must-read 🙂

Remember, taking care of your skin is a form of self-care that can boost your confidence and overall well-being. 

So, why not give face yoga a chance to see the positive impact it can have on your skin and mindset? 

Say NO to fillers, ugh!

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